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Summer is the Time to Explore Accommodations


Deanne Shields

Summer is here!! I remember how happy I was for summer break, no more homework wars or struggles and a break from the stress of worrying about school. While summer is a break from homework, it’s a great time to discover and practice using different types of technology and accommodations in a setting that is less stressful, so that when school starts again, the child can be ready to use the accommodations in a school setting. Make practicing those new accommodations a fun time, writing letters, reading fun books, etc.

If you or your child haven’t talked about accommodations with teachers, it’s time to explore some in preparation for next year. School age children have many options available through apps and simple changes in the way learning is accessed. Accommodations do not change what a person learns or does, they do however, level the playing field so that a person’s disability does not get in the way of learning. Children in elementary school thru high school, and adults in college or on the job can use accommodations. The trick, is finding the one that is right for the user.

On our LDAU website, you can find examples of accommodations under the technology tab, on our Pinterest Pages, and our blog. You can also find information about how to get an assistive technology evaluation through the state and district teams.


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